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NW_PE's Shop

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I'm a PE teacher that enjoys making great resources to be used in lessons with my classes. After a few compliments and recommendations I decided to sell on TES. On TES I mainly have full unit resources for the new OCR GCSE PE (9-1) specification. Each unit will feature all that you need for the unit as I adopt the all-in-one approach, allowing you to get organised before each unit. nw_pe@hotmail.com




I'm a PE teacher that enjoys making great resources to be used in lessons with my classes. After a few compliments and recommendations I decided to sell on TES. On TES I mainly have full unit resources for the new OCR GCSE PE (9-1) specification. Each unit will feature all that you need for the unit as I adopt the all-in-one approach, allowing you to get organised before each unit. nw_pe@hotmail.com
Edexcel GCSE PE 1.2.5 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your  skeletal system - Unit of Work

Edexcel GCSE PE 1.2.5 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system - Unit of Work

This resource is for the Edexcel GCSE PE Unit 1.2.5 - A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system (Please note this is NOT for the new 2016 specification). This resource contains the following: Four powerpoints covering all aspects of the specification for the unit. These powerpoints contain learning outcomes, all the necessary information, interactive tasks, video clips and quick questions. Four workbooks for the unit created to be completed alongside the powerpoints. These features learning outcomes, fun tasks, revision questions and opportunities to apply sporting examples. The four workbooks are on the functions of the skeletal system, joints and movement, exercise and the skeletal system and injuries, diet and the skeletal system.
Trampolining Unit Workbook (Key Stage 3)

Trampolining Unit Workbook (Key Stage 3)

This is a 14 page workbook which students can work through alongside a trampolining unit. The workbook features details on how a unit can be run, we have students in ability groups of three, working on a trampoline with other groups of similar ability, this allows the teacher to differentiate much easier. The different roles detailed are performer, cameraman, coach and spotter/assistant coach. The workbook then features assessment criteria and pages detailing the progressions, teaching points and ways of correctly common errors on the following skills; straight bouncing, stopping, shape jumps, seat landings, half/full twists, front landings, back landings, swivel hips and twisting from/into landings. Towards the back of the booklet there are three routines which students can practice. There is then space for students to create their own ten bounce routines. Finally on the back of the booklet there is a table for students to record the skills they can complete. In this table there is a column which requires students to write the feedback they received from their coach (peer) on how they think they could improve further. I use the Sainsburys athletics criteria to read out the bronze, silver and gold scores and students tick which category they are in. Within this table there are gaps for extra skills that may be taught in the unit. Students enjoy using the booklets and they give them an ownership of learning. Students use the booklets to coach their group members to improve. These booklets also get students into good routines as when we use them we follow the same structure each week.
PE Non Participant Cards - Olympics Theme

PE Non Participant Cards - Olympics Theme

7 double sided A6 non participant cards based on the 7 Olympic/Paralympic values (determination, excellence, friendship etc). Each card features a description of the value and 2-3 tasks to complete in the lesson. These are ideal to give to students who are injured/cannot participate to ensure they are still involved in the lesson.
Full Unit Trampolining Resource Cards (28) - Key Stage 3 / Key Stage 4 / GCSE

Full Unit Trampolining Resource Cards (28) - Key Stage 3 / Key Stage 4 / GCSE

This is a set of 28 task cards for trampolining (14 double sided cards). This is a full unit of planning across all years, all you need to do is print and trampolining lessons will be planned for a while. Each card features teaching points, a diagram, common error corrections and the progressions to work through to perform the skill. Most of the progressions and teaching points are from the British Gymnastics Teachers Resource Pack the received on my Level 2. The cards are well presented and follow the same easy to use structure. At our school we print them double sided and laminate them. We place each set in a zipped A3 wallet and just use the appropriate set in each lesson. Students can peer assess on the tables on each card with whiteboard pens. The cards cover all of the skills for the new (2016) GCSE OCR specification. The skills covered are: Set 1 (Basic Skills): Controlled Straight Bouncing, Tuck, Pike, Straddle, Half Twist, Full Twist. Set 2 (Seat Landing Skills): Seat Landing, Seat Landing Half Twist, Half Twist Seat Landing, Swivel Hips. Set 3 (Front Landing Skills): Front Landing, Front Landing Half Twist, Half Twist Front Landing, Half Turntable, Seat Landing to Front Landing, Front Landing to Seat Landing. Set 4 (Back Landing Skills): Back Landing, Back Landing Half Twist, Half Twist Back Landing, Cradle, Back Landing to Front Landing, Front Landing to Back Landing. Set 5 (Somersaults): Hands and Knees Forwards Turnover, ¾ Forward Turn Over, Front Somersault, Back Pullover, Back Somersault.
OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) Physical Training Mock Exam with Mark Scheme

OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) Physical Training Mock Exam with Mark Scheme

I have created a mock exam used to assess the physical training units of the OCR 9-1 specification. This paper has been created to test the components of fitness, applying the principles of training and preventing injury in physical activity units (1.2.a, 1.2.b, 1.2.c) We will be using this as an end of year mock exam with our year 10 classes. Included in this item is: Physical Training Exam Paper - this paper features 21 questions which equate to 60 marks, the paper will take 1 hour as it would with the real exam. 1 mark, 2 mark, 3 mark, 4 mark and a 6 mark question are included in this paper. For the 6 mark question I have made it test two different areas of knowledge (as they do now) but as our students have not started the Paper 2 content yet I have just used two physical training topics. Mark Scheme - a detailed mark scheme written in the style of an official mark scheme which can be used with students when evaluating the paper afterwards. I have also wrote model answers to show what is expected in each answer. The question paper and mark scheme have been designed to replicate the design/style of OCR’s exam papers to ensure students take the paper seriously. They look realistic.
OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) 1.2.b - Applying the Principles of Training A3 Revision Mat/Mindmap

OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) 1.2.b - Applying the Principles of Training A3 Revision Mat/Mindmap

This is an A3 double sided revision mat for the third unit of the new OCR GCSE PE specification (2016) - 1.2.b Applying the Principles of Training. Each part of the specification has its own box where students recall then apply their knowledge to sporting examples. It is a great recap of the unit. It has been created on Comic Life and students always like this design. We also have full units available for the new OCR Specification, please see our other items.
OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) 1.1.e - The Effects of Exercise on the Body Systems A3 Revision Mat/Mindmap

OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) 1.1.e - The Effects of Exercise on the Body Systems A3 Revision Mat/Mindmap

This is an A3 double sided revision mat for the fifth unit of the new OCR GCSE PE specification (2016) - 1.1.e The Effects of Exercise on the Body Systems. Each bullet point of the specification is covered. Students recall then apply their knowledge to sporting examples, in this case it is a case study around rugby player Dan Carter although I will be allowing my students to write about another sport if they wish. It is a great recap of the unit. It has been created on Comic Life and students always like this design. We also have full units available for the new OCR Specification, please see our other items.
Sporting Quotes PE Display Board Posters

Sporting Quotes PE Display Board Posters

Here are 19 display board posters with famous/inspirational sporting quotes and photos of successful athletes such as Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Team GB hockey team, New Zealand rugby team, Anthony Joshua, Serena Williams and 13 more. The posters have been made on photoshop and indesign computer software so that in most cases the athlete appears in colour and the background appear black and white, as a result they are quite eye catching and make a great display in a PE corridor. I advise that they are printed onto A3 paper.
Healthy, Active Lifestyle - PE Display Board Posters

Healthy, Active Lifestyle - PE Display Board Posters

Revamp your PE corridor or classroom in one go by purchasing the full set: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/physical-education-display-board-posters-pe-11327856 5 posters detailing how students can lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Together these make a nice display in a PE corridor.
OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) Full Specification - Applied Anatomy, Physical Training, Socio-Cultural Influences, Sports Psychology and Health, Fitness and Well-being - A3 Revision Mats

OCR GCSE PE 9-1 (2016) Full Specification - Applied Anatomy, Physical Training, Socio-Cultural Influences, Sports Psychology and Health, Fitness and Well-being - A3 Revision Mats

13 Resources
Save 22% by buying as a bundle! This resource features 13 double sided A3 revision mats for the new OCR GCSE PE specification (2016). For each unit each bullet point of the specification has its own box where students recall then apply their knowledge to sporting examples. They are great to recap the unit. We use these as revision tools at the end of the unit prior to taking the unit test. They have been created on Comic Life and students always like this design. There is one A3 revision mat for each of the following units: 1.1.a - The Structure and Function of the Skeletal System 1.1.b - The Structure and Function of the Muscular System 1.1.c - Movement Analysis (Levers, Planes and Axes) 1.1.d - The Cardiovascular and Respiratory System 1.1.e - The Effects of Exercise on the Body Systems 1.2.a - The Components of Fitness 1.2.b - Applying the Principles of Training 1.2.c - Preventing Risks in Physical Activity and Training 2.1.a - Engagement Patterns of Different Social Groups in Physical Activity and Sport 2.1.b - Commercialisation of Physical Activity and Sport 2.1.c - Ethical and Socio-cultural Issues in Physical Activity and Sport 2.2 - Sports Psychology 2.3 - Health, Fitness and Well-being
PE Display Board Posters - Classroom / Open Evening - Physical Education - Quotes / Numeracy / Literacy / Components of Fitness

PE Display Board Posters - Classroom / Open Evening - Physical Education - Quotes / Numeracy / Literacy / Components of Fitness

5 Resources
Revamp your classroom or corridor for £25! Save £14 by buying as a bundle. These posters will brighten up your PE corridor or classroom. These currently take up five of our display boards. Included in this bundle are: 14 x Numeracy Challenges in PE posters 14 x Literacy in PE posters 14 x Components of Fitness posters 2 x A3 introductory posters (Literacy and Components of Fitness) 5 x Healthy Lifestyle posters 19 x A3 Famous Sporting Quotes posters
PE Components of Fitness Display Board Posters - GCSE Physical Education A3 - Dual Coding

PE Components of Fitness Display Board Posters - GCSE Physical Education A3 - Dual Coding

A Complete Set of Dual Coding Style Display Posters for Physical Education Classrooms/Corridors - All you need to do is print and staple! You will receive: 10 Components of Fitness posters (featuring keyword, definition, fitness test and sporting example) 10 Standalone cut outs with photos of sports people and AO1/AO2 questions relating to the components of fitness posters (for example: when would this sports person use speed?) 2 Display board title options - ‘The Components of Fitness’ across two pages and across just one depending on the size of your board. These can be printed in A4 or A3 depending on the size of your board. If you are looking to redo several boards check out my ‘Methods of Training’ and ‘Balanced Diet/Nutrient’ displays in my shop. These are of the same style and will compliment this set well. Buy all three as a bundle for £25 in my shop
PE Methods of Training Display Board Posters - GCSE Physical Education A3 - Dual Coding

PE Methods of Training Display Board Posters - GCSE Physical Education A3 - Dual Coding

A Complete Set of Dual Coding Style Display Posters for Physical Education Classrooms/Corridors - All you need to do is print and staple! You will receive: 7 Methods of Training posters (featuring keyword, definition, components of fitness developed and sports people who would use the method) - Methods of training from the OCR specification. 6 Standalone cut outs with photos of sports people and AO1/AO2/AO3 questions relating to the methods of training posters (for example: how would this training method benefit their performance?) 2 Display board title options - ‘The Methods of Training’ across two pages and across just one depending on the size of your board. These can be printed in A4 or A3 depending on the size of your board. If you are looking to redo several boards check out my ‘Components of Fitness’ and ‘Balanced Diet/Nutrient’ displays in my shop. These are of the same style and will compliment this set well. Buy all three as a bundle for £25 in my shop.
PE Nutrients/A Balanced Diet Display Board Posters - GCSE Physical Education A3 - Dual Coding

PE Nutrients/A Balanced Diet Display Board Posters - GCSE Physical Education A3 - Dual Coding

A Complete Set of Dual Coding Style Display Posters for Physical Education Classrooms/Corridors - All you need to do is print and staple! You will receive: 7 Nutrient posters (featuring keyword, foods where the nutrient can be found, function and sports people who would use this nutrient) - Nutrients from the OCR specification. 8 Standalone cut outs with photos of sports people and AO1/AO2/AO3 questions relating to the methods of training posters (for example: how would consuming the nutrient as part of their diet aid their performance?) 2 Display board title options - ‘A Balanced Diet’ across two pages and across just one depending on the size of your board. These can be printed in A4 or A3 depending on the size of your board. If you are looking to redo several boards check out my ‘Components of Fitness’ and ‘Methods of Training’ displays in my shop. These are of the same style and will compliment this set well. Buy all three as a bundle for £25 in my shop.
PE Dual Coding Display Board Posters - Components of Fitness, Methods of Training and Nutrients - GCSE Physical Education A3

PE Dual Coding Display Board Posters - Components of Fitness, Methods of Training and Nutrients - GCSE Physical Education A3

3 Resources
Three display boards worth of dual coding style posters for PE corridors or GCSE PE classrooms. This is an easy way to give your boards a modern revamp - All you need to do is print and staple! You will receive: Components of Fitness Poster Set - Includes individual posters for each component, sporting pictures with application questions and display board title. Methods of Training Poster Set - Includes individual posters for each method (7 from OCR specification), sporting pictures with application questions and display board title. Nutrients of a Balanced Diet Poster Set - Includes individual posters for each nutrient (7 from OCR specification), sporting pictures with application questions and display board title. These can be printed in A4 or A3 depending on the size of your board.